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Formosan Termite
Category: Termites
Actual Size: ½”
Characteristics: Yellowish-brown body with pale yellow wings.
Legs: 6
Antennae: Yes
Wings: Yes
Habitat: Nests are often constructed in walls, attics, and roof areas of buildings.
Considered the most aggressive and potentially destructive termite species.
Generally invades structures from the ground, attracted to earth-to-wood contact.
When infesting wood, leaves a hollowed wood surface that may look blistered or peeled.
Formosan Termites in Louisiana
The Formosan subterranean termite is the most aggressive and potentially destructive termite species in Louisiana. As its name indicates, the Formosan subterranean termite is characterized by large populations that share interconnected foraging galleries in soil. This termite generally invades structures from the ground. They commonly enter through expansion joints, cracks, and utility conduits in slabs. Any wood-to-ground contact is an inviting entrance for Formosan subterranean termite infestations. When these termites invade a house above-ground, foraging tubes may be found connecting soil and the infested house or structure.
Formosan Termite Habitat
Formosan subterranean termites receive their nutrition from cellulose, which is found in both living and dead plant organisms. Formosan subterranean termites commonly infest around trees, rotten stumps, crops, woodpiles, and residential homes. Nests are made of a material known as “carton,” consisting of soil and masticated wood cemented together with saliva and excrement. The nest carton helps to conserve water. Above-ground nests are often constructed in walls, attics, and roof areas of buildings. Walls often bulge outward as a result of the carton, which may be larger than a basketball.
Formosan Termite Behaviors, Threats or Dangers
Wood products that are infested by the Formosan subterranean termite may be recognized by tapping the wood with a hard object. In severe infestations, the Formosan subterranean termite hollows out woods leaving a paper-thin surface behind. A hollowed wood surface may look blistered or peeled. Besides infesting buildings, Formosan subterranean termites are serious pests of utility poles and railroad ties, often requiring removal and replacement. If you suspect a Formosan termite infestation, contact W.O.L.F. Pest Control Today!
Eastern Subterranean Termite
Category: Termites
Actual Size: 10 mm
Characteristics: Brownish-black to black body, translucent milky wings.
Legs: 6
Antennae: Yes
Wings: Yes
Habitat: Lives in the ground and builds mud tubes to access homes. In structures,
can be found in interior walls, basements, crawl spaces, and damp areas.
Considered the most damaging termite species in the United States.
Termites consume cellulose, the main structural components of plant cells.
Over $5 billion in damage and treatment costs to properties in the U.S. annually.
Eastern Subterranean Termites in Louisiana
The eastern subterranean termite is a social insect and the most common and widely distributed termite in North America. Due to its wide distribution, it is considered the most economically important and damaging species in the U.S. Termites consume cellulose, the main structural component of plant cells. Any wood material in a home is a potential food source, but it may also damage non-wood material in search of food. Termites rarely show themselves in the open, and infestations can be difficult to detect until the damage becomes severe.
Eastern Subterranean Termite Habitat
Eastern subterranean termites live in the ground and feed on plant materials. In structures, they live in walls, basements, crawl spaces, and other damp areas. Termites swarm in the spring to find a mate. Winged termites are attracted to light and will swarm around doors and windows. After fluttering about for a short time, the termites break off their wings and pair off, becoming king and queen of a new termite colony. A common sign of termites is the presence of mud tubes, inside or outside of a home. Termites make these earth-colored tubes primarily as a protected runway from the earth to the wood they feed upon.
Eastern Subterranean Termite Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
Because termites consume cellulose, any wood material in a house is a potential food source. Termites are secretive, and when termite damage becomes evident, it is usually the result of a few years of infestation. The presence of swarming termites or their wings alone is a sure sign that termites are working in a building. Winged termites are often confused with winged ants; however, most species of ants in the house are only nuisances and, except for carpenter ants, they do not damage the wood. Contact W.O.L.F. Pest Control for help with eastern subterranean termite problems. We specialize in Residential and Commercial Pest Control.