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What are spiders?

Like ants, spiders are pests we regularly encounter in our Homes and Businesses; they are also common household pests. Unlike ants, spiders are not insects; they are arachnids and are closely related to mites and ticks. A spider has six to eight eyes, two body parts, eight legs, and they lack antennae and wings. Species vary by size, color, and how they catch prey. Some create burrows where they hide and then chase after their prey; others create webs to catch their prey.


Some of the most common spiders living in our area include black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, cellar spiders, house spiders, and jumping spiders.

Are spiders dangerous?

Most spiders that find a way into our yards and homes are harmless, and the biggest threat they pose is startling us when we see them scurry across a room or after they suddenly appear on a wall!

Nuisance spiders like house spiders, jumping spiders, cellar spiders, and wolf spiders do not have venom strong enough to cause us harm, and in many cases, fangs not strong enough to puncture our skin.

Black widow and brown recluse spiders are two species living across the United States that are dangerous, and you should always avoid them — not because they are aggressive; on the contrary, they are quite shy and reclusive, but because they have venom potent enough that if a bite were to occur, the result could affect a person’s health.

When disturbed or if they feel threatened, spiders will bite to protect themselves. Spiders live in dark, hard to navigate areas, so bites by dangerous or nuisance spiders often happen accidentally when:

  • Placing your hand on something a spider is resting on.

  • Putting on a piece of clothing with a hiding spider.

  • Digging through gardens or storage boxes where there is a spider resting.

Why do I have a spider problem?

Spiders like to live outside, and almost any outdoor space could become home to these leggy creatures. Wooded areas, parks, meadows, fields, and vegetation next to bodies of water are home to large populations of spiders. Spiders have also adapted to living in more urban areas using the grass, gardens, and vegetation in our yards to live and hunt for prey.

Spiders are predators, which means they hunt other living creatures. The more food (insects) you have available for them, the more likely they will take up permanent residency on your property!

Where will I find spiders?

In our yards, Spiders like to live in our gardens, near trash cans, around exterior light fixtures, and on the exterior of our homes. These are all places that insects (their primary food source) hang out.

If food becomes scarce outside or spiders are looking for a safe place to lay their eggs, they will move into homes or other structures. Dark, quiet areas are locations most sought out by spiders. Some favorite hideouts in our homes include closets, basements, attics, windowsills, and spaces under furniture.

How do I get rid of spiders?

W.O.L.F. Pest Control. offers customized services that will eliminate dangerous and nuisance spiders from your home and stop them from returning. Our family owned and operated company will protect your family and property from problems with spiders and other pests. We specialize in Residential and Commercial Pest Control.

How can I prevent spiders in the future?

In conjunction with our effective services, our prevention tips will help you defend your yard and home against spiders:

  • Make your home uninviting to the insects that spiders like to feed on. Keep lids on trash cans, remove brush and leaf piles, and turn off exterior lights when not needed.

  • Seal openings around exterior lights, in exterior walls, and around windows and doors to keep insects and spiders out of your home.

  • Cut shrubs, bushes, and other vegetation back away from your home to stop spiders from burrowing or buildings webs right next to your house.

  • Inside your home, eliminate the clutter that spiders like to hide in.

  • Regularly vacuum and dust your home paying particular attention to spaces under furniture, around windows, and the corners of rooms.

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